¡No olvides los auriculares!
- Numbers
- Numerals, dates and time
- Calendar
- Days of the week (crossword)
- Days of the week (wordsearch)
- At school
- Yes or no?
- Find the pairs
- The letters tree (Numbers, Day & Month)
- Classroom Language (crossword)
- Classroom Language (wordsearch)
- The body 1
- The body 2
- Activities Realiza todas las actividades
- Match body words
- Face
- Adjetive
- Have / Has 1
- Have / Has 2
- Family relationships
- My family 1
- My family 2
- My family 3
- Family members, Listening exercise
- Grandparents
- Parents
- Brothers and sisters
- Nick and Tom
- Family Tree
- Slot machine
- Picture dictionary
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Wordsearch
- Solt machine
- Learning English "Clic" en el Nivel 2 y luego en Sports
- Sports
- Summer sport camp
- The million pound drop game
- What can you do?
- Can / Can't
- Can you play?
- I like, he likes
- Present simple
- Grammar 1 (Trig's game 1)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Listening 1)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Puzzle 1)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Test 1)
- Jobs 1
- Jobs 2
- Learn about all jobs and occupation (vídeo parte 1)
- Learn about all jobs and occupation (vídeo parte 2)
- What is your job? (video)
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Listen and "clic" on the correct picture
- Memory jobs
- Read and choose
- Vocabulary Haz clic en el nº 3 y luego en "jobs"
- The million pound drop game
- Grammar 1 (Trig's game 2)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Listening 2)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Puzzle 2)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Test 2)
- Picture dictionary
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Three speed listen and click
- Read and choose
- The jungle chant
- Monkeys in the river
- In the jungle 1
- In the jungle (true or false)
- Read and match
- Find the words
- Spelling
- Animals 2
- Animals can...
- Animals activities 1
- Animals activities 2
- Animals activities 3
- Animals activities 4
- Animals activities 5
- Picture dictionary
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Find the items
- Read and choose
- Fruit and vegetables
- What's for breakfast?
- Food
- Food memory
- Memory 1
- Breakfast
- Make a sandwich
- Picture dictionary
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Read and choose
- Image matching
- Daily routines
- Night and day 1
- Night and day 2
- What time do you get up?
- Grammar 1 (Trig's game 3)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's Listening 3)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's puzzle 3)
- Grammar 1 (Trig's test 3)
Unit 7: At the sports centre
- The visitors
- Picture dictionary
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Label the picture
- Maze magic
- Places in town
- On the street
- Safe street
- Vocabulary and prepositions
- Prepositions of place 1
- Prepositions of place 2
Unit 8: Uncle Bill
- The ice cream machine
- Picture dictionary
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Read and choose
- Image matching
- Daily routines
- Night and day 1
- Night and day 2
- What time do you get up?
- The magic trick
- Chant
- Song
- Karaoke
- Find the pairs
- Learning English "Clic" en el Nivel 1 y luego en The Body
- Amazing Museum Unit 5
- The body 1
- Head, shoulders, knees...
- The face